So you want to control your system with your smartphone?
We have telematics modules compatible with most modern remote starter systems from major brands. These apps allow you to lock, unlock, remote start, and GPS track your vehicle on your phone, with virtually unlimited range, from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Note: Subscription fees apply on a monthly or yearly basis. An existing aftermarket remote starter is required first in order to add smartphone control, these addons are not compatible with factory remote starters.
Compatible with most recent model Compustar, iDatastart, and PolarStart systems.
Fast 4G LTE speed and packed with features including Apple Watch and Android Wear compatibility, alarm notifications and history (if equipped with alarm), real-time GPS tracking, and detailed trip information of when and where vehicle was driven.
30-day full featured free trial included.
Directed SmartStart
Compatible with most Directed systems including Viper, Clifford, Python, Automate, ProStart, Autostart.
Features 4G LTE for quick commands and response, Apple Watch and Android Wear compatible, alarm notifications and history (if equipped with alarm), and real-time GPS tracking of your vehicle. Additional features available including small fleet management and roadside assistance.
1 year basic free trial included.
MyCar Controls
Compatible with many newer model systems from various brands including Compustar, iDatastart, Directed, Fortin, Code Alarm, Crimestopper, and more.
Wide compatibility, affordable plans, simple easy-to-use user interface, equipped with fast 4G LTE connectivity and on-demand GPS locating of your vehicle. Also compatible with Apple Watch, Amazon Alexa, and Google Home.
1 year or 3 years of service included. (Subject to availability - Please contact us for more details)